Configure your dose-response analysis

Adjust the settings below to custom your analysis of dose-response analysis. Set parameters like feature sets, size filters, and transformation options to refine your results. Once configured, click "Submit" to begin.

Dataset summary
Name: E-TABM-585 - PD-0325901 - homo_sapiens - Microarray - 2024-09-16 09:40:33.030919+00:00
Doses/Concentrations: 0,1.70e-01,5.00e-01,1.50e+00,4.50e+00,1.37e+01,4.12e+01,1.24e+02,3.70e+02,1.11e+03,3.33e+03,1.00e+04,3.00e+04
Dose/Concentration units: µM
Omics type: Microarray
Feature annotation: symbols
Number of samples: 27
Species: Homo sapiens
Feature sets field
Feature set database:
Minimum set size:
Maximum set size:
Data preprocessing

Viability analysis